We are Celebrating our 12th Anniversary!

We are celebrating our 12th anniversary today! InSynch was formed on February 10th 2005. As co-founder of the company originally, I recall those nervous first weeks when we waited to see if we had secured a large EU funded contract that would set us up for the next few years. We did win it and have never looked back.

We have changed as business considerably over the years. Mind you, so has technology and online marketing methods.

AT77C104_iPAQ_hx2750_005In February 2005, Facebook was just a small experiment. Twitter had yet to be invented. The launch of the first iphone was some 2 years away…. However, I did have my HP iPaq which had fingerprint log in! Yes its true, logging in with your fingerprint is not new technology….

Our clients

995690_10152887971155720_1083068682_nIn the first 3 years, we provided advice and support to businesses that was funded exclusively by Government and European funded projects. We had a team of 9 IT/Business consultants that worked with over 700 businesses over a 3 year period.

We started providing training in October 2005. Have a look at this poster promoting our tourism the e’factor training events over 11 years ago! Tourism specialism and training were to become strong elements of our business.

Since then we have worked with literally 1000’s of clients. Some of them for almost all of the last 12 years. I have seen businesses blossom, people retire and sell on their business and people gradually adopt digital technologies in their business.

Changing times

All of the staff at InSynch will say that they learn something new every day. Technology is constantly evolving.  As we work with so many clients, we have a vast pool of experience in business and the application of technology to make businesses succeed.

Thank you to all of our clients that we have worked with over the years and thank you too to all of our loyal staff.



photo credit: andre.m(eye)r.vitali Out of the Fridge via photopin (license)

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