Benefits of Verifying on Facebook

You may have noticed some pages or profiles on Facebook have a tick next to the name and then thought nothing of it – but not getting this verified tick on your own page could mean you are missing out on visitors finding your page.

It may seem a small difference on a page, but it can help Facebook decide to put your page higher on the search listings, which can in turn mean more people finding you, and so on.

We are always on the lookout on how to help improve the digital marketing of our company or for our clients, and this one simple change on Facebook could have great long-term benefits.

The tick next to the page name indicates that page is verified on Facebook to be associated with that business/person/service etc. It was created as a way to stop multiple pages trying to claim they are a certain businesses that they are not actually a part of.

To do this you need to make sure your page has your business’s publicly listed phone number and preferably a business address.

You then go to Setting at the top of your Facebook page, then from the General page you click Page Verification.

Click Verify This Page > Get Started.

You then need to enter the publicly listed number for your business, your country and language.

Facebook will then call you when you click ‘Call Me Now’ and give you a verification code over the phone.

You then enter your verification code, click Continue. Facebook will then take time to review the information on your page to confirm it matches with public records and will let you know about your verification status.

If you are successfully verified your page will then display a grey tick next to the name to show this.

It may be that Facebook uses verification to decide whether to lift your search position as compared to your competitors, and we find that even just this potential benefit is worth the effort of this quite easy task.

If you want any more ideas on how to do Social Media Marketing or Digital Marketing in general then you can always contact us for more information.



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